Ivan Konar, fotógrafo chileno de ascendencia checa, nos entrega en este sitio una retrospectiva de su obra autoral, la cual ha desarrollado durante mas de 50 años hasta la actualidad. Se le considera uno de los más longevos fotógrafos sudamericanos en actividad.
Ivan Konar, Chilean photographer of Czech descent, gives us on this site a retrospective of his authorial work, which he has developed for more than 50 years to the present. He is considered one of the longest active South American photographers.
A través de su obra visual, se puede apreciar no solo los atributos estéticos y creativos de sus imágenes, si no que también, el hecho de que sus primeras obras, se pueden considerar documentales por tiempo transcurrido.
Through his visual work, one can appreciate not only the aesthetic and creative attributes of his images, but also the fact that his first works can be considered documentaries by time elapsed.
Ha recorrido Chile extensamente, y las imágenes nos permiten apreciar su naturaleza diversa a la cual se ha dedicado exclusivamente.
He has toured Chile extensively, and images of him allow us to appreciate the diverse nature of it to which he has devoted himself exclusively.
Como una manera de que copias de su obra puedan llegar a la mayor cantidad de personas que deseen adquirirla, las pone a disposición a costo muy conveniente, que incluye el envío a nivel nacional e internacional , pudiendo ser adquiridas directamente en este sitio.
As a way that copies of his work can reach the largest number of people who wish to acquire it, he makes them available at a very convenient cost, which includes national and international shipping, and can be purchased directly on this site.
The originals of this collection can be purchased to obtain full rights to the images. Its value reaches the sum of US 1000 each.